domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007

IF Wedding

El dibujo de Illustration Friday de esta semana. Un largo matrimonio feliz y tranquilo.
The Illustration Friday´s draw of this week. A long and happy marriage.

6 comentarios:

L. A. Stern dijo...

que dulce! Este es el sentido verdadero del "matrimonio" :)

nerosunero dijo...

the wife, now that is old, still resembles to herself as in the framed picture, that is on the day of the wedding.
But the marriage must have changed many other things!


wonderful scene, i want to have one of those, a long and happy marriage! great work.

Vera Pino dijo...

I want, too :D
Thanks everyone!

MiKa Art dijo...

Oooh, this is totally what I want! how wonderful!! -Thank you very much for your comment on my blog.

abrahambalcazar dijo...

Si es una ilustración muy padre me recordo a mis abuelos, jeje, saludos y gracias por los comentarios, bye